Intuitive Insights: Readings, Teachings & Healings

with Helena Herndon

Trauma- conscious sessions designed to empower you

What are my current 1:1 offerings?

  • $222. Lasts 60-90 mins.

    A blend of a psychic reading, evolutionary astrology, and a human design reading.

    I start with a psychic reading. Then I use astrology and human design to help look into your soul’s evolutionary journey (past lives, purpose, healing and desires), areas of vulnerability (karmic lessons and conditioning), and any other key insights about who you really are in this life experience.

    You have opportunities to ask me your questions and focus on specific topics you want to know about right now.

  • $222/hr, can be broken up into 30 mins.

    Just a good old, classic psychic reading :) Come with alllll your questions, or don't, and we will see what your spirit guides have to say.

    If there is healing needed, I will offer energy healing to you.

  • $222 for 90 mins.

    Human Design is a holistic, esoteric non-secular system which combines the I'Ching, Chakra centers, Astrology, and more. I teach a blend of Jovian (the most commonly known style of human design) and Zen human design. I find Zen Human Design to be a more helpful, pure form of Human Design.

    A human design reading will give you a greater understanding of:

    • Your unique power + innate strengths, in alignment with your purpose, or Dharma

    • The way your energy is designed to flow through your phsycial body and aura field

    • The way your energy is designed to flow to and from other people in your life

    • Where you are the most vulnerable to conditioning or "your weaknesses"

    • The fastest way for you to manifest your desires and become successful (career, love, money, sexuality, relationships, power)

    • The kind of people, careers, relationships, and environments you should cultivate in your life to be the most successful, healthy, at peace, and at ease

  • $222/hr

    I will lead you in a guided psychic meditation. We will look into past lives, alternate dimensions, and deep into the psyche.

    This kind of meditation offers you incredible inner healing and a greater understanding of yourself. You can even get your questions answered, while receiving support and guidance for challenges you are facing.

If you aren’t sure what you’re looking for but you feel a calling, just go ahead and email me. I will use my consultative method to determine what will be most helpful for you.

In all sessions, I will always help you interpret any readings and integrate the information in an empowering way.

Why Work with Me

Ever since I was a child I have been fascinated with the esoteric…. going deep, the taboo, astrology, planets, aliens, past-lives, angels, death, birth, the human body, sex, power, pleasure, nature patterns, mutation and personal transformation. I am also a very. old. soul. (Like thousands of years old)

In this lifetime, I have over 10 years of wisdom and practical experience in studying spirituality, education, and personal empowerment, including certifications and training in:

  • M.Ed. Learning, Design and Technology 

  • 6 years in the professional world: International Education, Adult Learning + Training, and Corporate Leadership Development 

  • Certified 200-Hr Registered Yoga Teacher, including Yin, restorative, and Vinyasa power flow

  • Certified in the Trauma-Conscious Yoga Method (TM), including somatic healing techniques

  • Evolutionary Astrology 

  • Psychokinesis (similar to internal family systems therapy)

  • Intuitive and Psychic Readings 

  • Human Design + Gene Keys

  • the Law of Attraction (Abraham-Hicks)

  • Buddhism study, Vipassana, and mindfulness meditation

  • A Course in Miracles

  • Feminine and masculine energy

  • Motherpeace Taro Deck readings

Work with me because I am a real teacher.

I have 2 degrees in Education, including a Master’s in Instructional Design.

I have 6 years of classroom teaching experience and I know how to use pedagogy (learning theory) to design and deliver instruction to help you learn.

Grounded & Accessible

What happens during an intuitive or psychic session with me? Know that I will walk you through each step and it’s ok to be new and curious.

We usually start with a meditation. It’s ok if you’ve never meditated before or don’t think you’re very good at it. I will do most of the work.

Then, I will give you information and data about yourself using several spiritual systems, which you may choose to use or not; it’s all optional. You pick and choose what resonates with you. I will then use a consultative coaching style to help you interpret the information, and then integrate it into your life. The goal of integrating this information is to help you with areas such as:

  • Self acceptance, compassion, + forgiveness

  • Self-efficacy and self-confidence 

  • Breaking karmic patterns and cycles in your life

  • Creativity and artistic power

  • Decision making and planning

  • Manifesting + designing your dream life

  • Relationships and partnerships 

  • Career and abundance- money!!

  • Pleasure and sexual freedom 

You don’t need to have anything prepared, but often people have a few questions in mind, such as their purpose, their relationships, or challenges they are having in their life right now. 

Disclaimer: There will be no “Spiritual Bypassing” here: using spiritual explanations to dismiss or avoid complicated emotions or psychological issues…. such as racism, sexism, oppression of other marginalized groups, pseudo-science denial of climate change, etc


I am trained in several trauma-conscious yoga techniques, and I recognize we all hold deep trauma. In everything that we do, that is respected and is a foundation for our healing work. I take great care, empathy, and compassion to ensure you feel safe with me at all times.

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