No matter how much you love or hate the holidays - you have to admit that dealing with boundaries and energies of other people during this time is challenging. We all have people in our life that push us to our limits this time of year- family, social expectations and group settings, children, lovers and their families, etc… Relationships are like mirrors, as they show us our own vulnerabilities and shadows. Zen Human Design (my style of HD that is different than the mainstream) is a life-changing system that will help you relate to yourself and others in a more authentic, compassionate way.
Covered in class:
Based on your Human Design, learn the unique way your body’s energy interacts with people
Why do certain people drain you so much? Where are you most sensitive and vulnerable?
Where are you overexerting + giving your power away?
How can you protect your energy more during this time?
Who are the people you should keep around you the most? Who protects and heals your energy field?
Discuss friendship, family, and relationship conditioning and theory from a HD perspective
Be guided in a deep healing sex magic meditation to take your power back and protect your energy!