April 2024 Scorpio Full Moon

One of my favorite things about life is its duality. Our lives can be absolutely wonderful, beautiful and at their peak experience, but also challenging, sad and melancholy at the same time. When I was younger, I thought that life was black and white. Things were either right or wrong. There were people who were good or bad. And you could either be happy or unhappy. Now I understand that life is very gray, but the gray is what makes our experiences so rich and deep. It’s what makes life beautiful. 

Abraham-Hicks, the great teacher of the Law of Attraction, speaks about how we need contrast to understand what it is that we truly desire. So when you are experiencing something uncomfortable or painful you simply say, “thank you for this contrast. It is showing me what I don’t want, so that I can clearly define what it is that I do want.” Without contrast in life, we are not able to enter the creative vortex from which we create and attract all of our desires and the reality that we want to be living in; our dream life, our dream reality.

This week I hosted my first group offering for Intuitive Insights. It was a Scorpio full moon healing. Scorpio has transformative shamanic, alchemizing abilities in regards to the power that we hold in our bodies. Under the light of the full moon in Scorpio, we participated in an education of Scorpio, and a psychic reading and meditative experience with scorpionic energy. 

It was a divine experience for me that came together with such synchronicity and pleasure. I could not have asked for the event to go any better in my dear friend's beautiful home, where I was surrounded in a circle of people who are thoughtful, deep, and conscious beings. 

I pulled a Taro card from the Motherpeace deck to close the reading. The morning of the event I received the information psychically that I would be pulling the Death card that evening, and I did. The Death card, No. 13, is the card of Scorpio. Notice the snake shedding its skin, symbolizing transformation.

Many times, people receive the Death card and they are terrified because they think that it means they or someone in their life is going to die! But in reality, the Death card is one of my favorite cards, because it represents the simple fact that in order for new things to come into our life that are better for us then what we have now, and in order for us to transform our own lives and move forward into a more expanded, liberated version of ourselves, old things need to die. Old things need to die and we need to shed our skin and make space for new to come in. 

Death is a very natural part of our lives and the fear of death is something that many people have. But the gift of Scorpio is to go deep and not be afraid of the taboo: death, money, sex, etc. And so this week I offer this card to you.

What parts of you need to die so that you can be re-born?

In a reading with me, we can talk about exactly what’s happening in your life right now for you specifically, how the Scorpio new moon and all the different planetary transits and change energies that have been going on for the last month and will continue into May are impacting you personally. And how you can stand in your own power through it all, shed your skin, and be reborn. 


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